  • Portriats

  • Portfolios

  • Modeling books

  • Magic moments



The website is now alive and you will be able to follow me on some social media. My website displays my main interest in portraits photography and as such, I would like to capture as many people as possible with all their facettes and layers.

I have undertaken a project on called "be a TR model". What does it mean? You can be of any age, any gender, any looks or visuals. My challenge is to discover the mesmerising side of your face and body language. You can be old or young, small or tall, plain or tattoed, pretty or not. The photography I want to produce will bring forward certain magic and mystery about your personality.

So what are the terms and  conditions?

  • You can get in touch with me and we agree on a theme and a location of your desired shots.
  • We both sign an agreement , which outlines the usage of the  images for both of us.
  • I make few shots of you and select those, which are the most captive.
  • You will receive all originals as a copy, whereby I will retain the copyright to these shots.
  • 10 best shots will be profesionally edited and published  on my website and social media.
  • You will be credited with these shots with your name, location and if desired link to your online media.
  • You are free to use the shots for your professional, personal interest, crediting me for the photography.
  • You may, if desired, be invited to exhibitions and further group photoshoots in yearly "look back" summariy of "TR MODEL" project.



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